About PMR



Political Media Review (PMR), a project of the Transformative Studies Institute (TSI), is an independent review site for social justice media. As a not-for-profit and fully-volunteer organization, we are dedicated to promoting, publicizing and being a resource for social justice media by providing a space where social justice film and publication reviews can be accessed in a central location. PMR writes original reviews and collects already existing reviews of media. Collective members have included Sarat Colling (founder), Anthony Nocella, Abbey Willis, Ernesto Aguilar, Deric Shannon, Richard Van Heertum, and Jose Palafox. We have been in operation since January 2009.

In these days of mainstream media consolidation and group-think, it is imperative that there remain alternative methods of information dissemination and serious discussion of issues. The Political Media Review promises to be such a place-examining robustly, critically, and thoughtfully in a skeptical and interrogative manner what is known or not known, covered or not covered, by other sources.

- Martin Rowe, Director of Publishing at Lantern Books and Vice-President of Booklight Inc

At a time of perpetual crisis, when all media – including the left – is disintegrating, now more than ever, we need PMR. And the food for thought, and action, therein. Bring it on.

- Ramsey Kanaan, PM Press