Scare tactics are very effective in a culture of fear. And if the United States government has been successful in one aspect of the culture, it’s creating a climate of fear.
Continue reading...17. August 2011
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As I prepared to read Cary Wolfe's latest book, What is Posthumanism?, I wondered how much hermeneutic effort would be required to answer the titular question. To my pleasure, Wolfe gives a clear definition of what he means by “posthumanism,” and how it contrasts with others' usage, in the first few pages.
Continue reading...16. August 2011
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The Beast and the Sovereign can be located at the heart of dominant themes in Derrida’s later work including, but not limited to, a democracy to come, conditional and unconditional hospitality, calculability and incalculability, and the relation shared between state sovereignty, terrorism, and rogue states.
Continue reading...21. February 2011
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Bold Native is a full-length fiction feature film depicting the billion-dollar animal exploitation industry and the people who seek to liberate the animals. The film follows the character of Charlie Cranehill (played by Joaquin Pastor), a well-to-do bohemian-esque individual mildly concerned with animal welfare.
Continue reading...18. January 2011
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In the early 1990s, animal rights activist Rodney Coronado organized and carried out a series of Animal Liberation Front attacks against the fur industry in a campaign called Operation Bite Back
Continue reading...27. October 2010
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Another Dinner is Possible is not a boutique cookbook. It doesn't offer elaborate dishes that will impress dinner party guests, nor will it help convert your omni friends and family to a vegan diet.
Continue reading...4. August 2010
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It seems that the petty antagonisms that for so long characterized relations between competing animal activist and advocacy movements are dissipating. More and more frequently, the struggle for legitimacy between welfare, rights-based, and grassroots movements is being subsumed into a superstructural antagonism
Continue reading...17. June 2010
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Underwater cameras capture the peaceful sway of sea plants beneath the surface in Taiji, Japan. As the scene progresses, the plants become obscured by creeping wafts of dolphin blood. Rapidly, the entire screen turns crimson, the ocean water thick with the grisly evidence of slaughtered dolphins. The Cove, a 2009 Oceanic Preservation Society film, follows a team of activists
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14. November 2011
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