Occupy Wall Street and the regional movements that arose in its wake have been the subject of many books. Dreaming in Public: Building the Occupy Movement by Amy Lang and Daniel Lang/Levitsky (New Internationalist, 2012) seeks to tell Occupy’s story not unlike other works: by collecting mostly pre-published statements, speeches and writings along with a […]
Continue reading...26. May 2011
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Hollywood’s Exploited is an interdisciplinary collection designed to analyze the cultural narratives and political economy of Hollywood through Henry Giroux’s work on public pedagogy. In the foreword, renowned cultural studies scholar Lawrence Grossberg describes the book as a “critical pedagogy of Hollywood”
Continue reading...17. August 2010
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Investigative journalist Naomi Klein speaking on “The Rise of Disaster Capitalism” is a PM Press DVD produced by Bonobo Films. It consists of a brilliant 65-minute talk Naomi gave on May 19, 2008
Continue reading...21. July 2010
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So the story goes, the original edition of The Politics of Protest was in fact a report commissioned by the Lyndon B. Johnson Administration in 1968. That year, Johnson created the National Commission on the Causes and Prevention of Violence.
Continue reading...3. June 2010
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Frantz Fanon's The Wretched of the Earth, a searing indictment of global racism, colonialism and imperialism, is among the foundational writings of postcolonial theory. Originally written in 1961, Wretched stands out among Fanon's writings
Continue reading...5. March 2010
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Becoming the Media provides an in-depth analysis of the intersectional radical and left wing publication Clamor, which emerged with the Independent Media Centre movement
Continue reading...25. February 2010
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As globalization penetrates the hearts and souls of many lives and as transnational capitalist interests work beyond the sovereignty of many states to weaken both socioeconomic and environmental regulations, accelerating people's impoverishment along with ecological catastrophe as a result, the world needs revised thinking and action.
Continue reading...14. February 2010
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To many anarchists, the idea of an “ethnographic study of the global justice movement” may seem problematic. Whether it be matters of security culture or the question of an outsider coming into a culture and telling the rest of the world about them, people I’ve talked to, without knowing Graeber’s work, often seemed skeptical.
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17. December 2012